Sunday, December 27, 2009

Good Times Ahead

As the author of a politically-themed blog, I take great pleasure in dissecting the events of the moment.  I delight in adding my two cents' worth to the ideas of the day, and letting anyone who wanders across my page know that I think.  For example:

Former Governor Palin is clueless.

It's not appropriate to shout  "You lie!" at the President during a joint session of the Congress.

The Public Option is a good thing and must be included in any meaningful health reform bill.

Congressional Democrats, particularly Senate Democrats, are pretty much spineless.

Most Republicans aren't racist, but most racists are Republicans.

Sometimes, President Obama seems too cerebral for his own good... he needs to be a bit more of a bad-ass.

Stuff like that.

And as I sit here, watching another year wind down, basking in the calm afterglow of another warm, drama-free Christmas spent with friends and family, my thoughts turn toward months and years yet to come.  And as I think about the future, I have a  feeling that it's good to be alive at this point in time.  I believe, for no other reason than belief itself, that humanity is on the verge of something great.  And many people who are alive today will be alive to witness it.  I have no idea what it is.  Some technological breakthrough?  A medical miracle?  Contact with extraterrestrial life?  Discovery of cheap, clean, limitless energy?  Who the heck knows?!  It just feels like we are coming out of some dark times, and I think there is a bright future just ahead.  And it will be something that will benefit the whole world.  If I'm right, you heard it here first.  If I'm wrong, what the hell do I know?

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