Saturday, September 5, 2009

...So Liberals Aren't Americans?

According to a story on, the White House is indicating that it may draft its own health care reform bill.  Check it out... it's worth reading.  But the part that has me so furious as to break away from dinner guests on a beautiful Saturday evening to vent is this quote:

"The bottom line, said the source, is that the president would have to 'move to the center' on the issue eventually, 'and it's not a bad thing to have liberals screaming at him.' That development will help sell the deal to Americans and 'convince them it's a good, moderate deal, if liberals are mad.' "

Dear Mr. Source, you are wrong.  Exactly how do arrive at, "If liberals are mad, then it's a good deal for Americans"?  So if I think that it's a bad idea to protect big insurance companies at the expense of the individual, you're saying that my outrage means that that's a good idea for Americans?  I think interracial marriages are just peachy, so that makes it a bad idea for Americans?

I'm an American!  I've got a birth certificate and everything!

It is OK to be a liberal.   I made that very argument just last week. The United States is made up of all kinds of people with all kinds of ideas.  Conservative ideas are not inherently the right ones, and liberal ideas are not necessarily fraught with peril.  It's that numb-skull thinking that has allowed the right to hijack what should be a serious discussion that affects all of us, and turn it into a joke.  And that inferiority complex that so pervades the left is why I have yet to see the Democrats ever stand up to the Big Red Menace.  If we can't get something done now, WHEN?

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