Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Of Jackasses and Handguns

Listen, people... you simply cannot have it both ways!  Many of you said that when President Obama comes to town, his presence does not nullify your Second Amendment rights.  He's just a citizen like you.  The fact that he's the frickin' President Of The United Frickin' States doesn't matter. And, as much as I hate to admit it, you're technically right.  Stupid as all hell, but technically correct.

So why is it that the President commented that "Kanye is a jackass", some folks are all up in arms saying that "Jackass isn't presidential" or "That should be beneath him?"  He's not special enough for you to leave your gun at home, but his lips are too special to form the words "Jackass", or "Stupid" (from Beer-Summit-Gate)?


Either the Presidency is a special thing and he can't call stupid "Stupid" or jackasses "Jackass".  If that's true, then he's certainly special enough that when you go to see him speak, then you should be, by law, unarmed.  And if he's speaking to Congress, you should be respectful. 

But if that's too much to swallow, then when someone does something stupid like shout out "You Lie!" in a joint session of Congress, then the President, like any other normal person, should be allowed to retort, "Shut the hell up, dumbass! I'm talking here!"

I'm just sayin'...

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