Friday, September 11, 2009

Bipartisanship Goes Against Democracy

In an interview with Rachel Maddow earlier this week, Congressman Barney Frank (D - Massachusetts) said something that smacked me across the face with its utter, well, bald-faced rightness.  I know... inelegant grammar, but that's what fit.

Anyway, Rep. Frank said, "... this insistence on bipartisanship really goes against the notion of democracy.  We HAD an election in 2008... the Democrats won the Presidency, and significant majorities in the House and the Senate."  He went on to say, "The notion that those of us who won the election with a solid majority should compromise 50-50 with those who lost, well then, why have an election?"


In a lot of ways, and for a lot of reasons, politics is complex stuff.  The notions of freedoms and obligations, rights versus privileges, laws and legality, these are not for the faint of heart or the simple of mind.  And much of it is not a simple matter of black or white, good or bad.  Usually, it's much more complex than that.  However, some things are that simple.  Sometimes, it is black and white.  This is one of those times.

Barack Obama ran on a promise to fix health care, a system that everyone knows is badly broken.  This was a central theme in his campaign.    America responded by electing him decisively.  No last minute recounts, or challenges, or dimpled hanging chads.  Nope... he won fair and square.  Then, to make sure Washington got the message, we also gave him a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate.  Apparently, America wanted there to be no doubt that Republican/Conservative ideology was soundly rejected.  And, let's not forget, the Republicans had 6 years at the wheel, and they started with a budget surplus!  And so far, in this administration, they've offered nothing but "NO!"

They offered no meaningful input to the Stimulus Plan, insisting simply on more tax cuts.  They have so far, offered nothing of value in the health care debate, relying instead on the tried and true Republican tactics of fear (he's gonna kill granny!), confusion (Medicare is great but government run health care is the devil!) and outright lies (illegal aliens will  get free health care provided by death panels!)

So now, after nearly driving the country off a cliff and continuing to try and wrest back control of the wheel, how dare the Republicans insist on equal say in crafting any significant legislation?  At the very most, Democrats should tell the Republicans in Congress that they'll take their "suggestions" under advisement.  And then, do the grown-up work.  But worse, how dare the Democrats, beginning with President Obama, continually capitulate to the infantile demands of a minority so out of touch with the American people? 

In Wednesday's speech, the President implied that enough was enough.  He warned that he would not waste time with those who only sought to kill the bill for political purposes.  For all our sakes, I hope he means it this time.

If You Support The President's Plan, Tell Your Representatives

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