Friday, February 17, 2012

Religious Freedom Isn't

It's amazing how the Right loves to claim the mantle of "Religious Freedom".  It seems, however, that they are a little unclear on the definition of religious freedom.  But their confusion seems to stem from just one crucial word.

See, Religious Freedom is the right to practice your personal beliefs in a way that satisfies your belief structure.  As long as you aren't infringing on anybody else,go ahead... worship, pray, chant, and genuflect your ass off. 

However, they apparently believe that Religious Freedom extends beyond the right to merely practice.  They feel that it's their place to impose their personal beliefs in a way that satisfies their belief structure.  All the while proclaiming to be acting on the will of the Founding Fathers.

The simple fact of the matter is, ol' Georgie, Ben, Alex, & the rest of the boys, never envisioned a nation that dictated religious beliefs.  That's why the whole "Separation of State and Church"  was put in the country's operating manual, also known as The US Constitution.  Their view was, 'Believe what you want, or nothing at all, but we're staying out of it.'  But every four years, the Right swears that this is "Christian Nation".  Sorry, guys, but it's simply not.

At the same time, I could almost stomach their piety if it were at least genuine.  However, history shows us that some of the most evil sons of bitches around are the ones screaming from the highest rooftops.  Pedophilia, corruption, sexual depravity, bigotry, marital infidelity, and greed, all in the name of the Lord.


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