Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Move Your Money

Okay, I'll admit it... I don't have a lot of money.  Alright... I don't have any money.  But I work hard, and I pay taxes, and I genuinely care about what's right.  Sometimes, "what's right" is a matter of opinion.  Like whether or not you should go to church.  I'm agnostic.  Jesus and Santa are, as far as I'm concerned, cut from the same imaginary cloth.  One of my very best friends, Vinny, is deeply religious, and believes there is a Jesus, and that he loves me anyway.  Who's right?

But, often, what's right is simply and undeniably... RIGHT.  Even if those in power spend unlimited funds to convince everyone otherwise, what's right is still simply right.  And in that same way, what's wrong is simply wrong.

It's wrong for Wall Street financiers to earn millions of dollars for taking wild risks with our money, and then when it all blows up in the world's face, get bailed out by the government, only to resume the process.  Look, I know that Presidents Bush and Obama had to shore up those institutions.  To allow the wholesale collapse of the world banking system would have plunged the entire world into a depression... maybe even a modern-day Dark Ages.  Nobody wanted that.  But, now that the financial world has been pulled back from the brink, I think retribution is in order.  It's only right.

Washington is clearly not up to the job.  Here's a better idea...

I'm moving all my money this week.  Both dollars!

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