Wednesday, February 29, 2012

An Intrusive Government

So the Right is mad-as-hell over President Obama's perceived insistence on crafting an enormous and heavy-handed government dedicated to achieving absolute control over every segment of American's lives.  It's wrong, I tells ya'!  And by gum, they're gonna take their country back, and restore it to being the home of the brave and the land of the free.  Free from an intrusive government telling hard-working God-fearin' Americans how to live their lives.


They want freedom.  Just not real freedom.   They don't want the gub'ment telling them they need to waste money on roads, schools, and policemen.  Or that kids should be educated.  Or "safety nets", whatever the hell that means.

But they are perfectly happy allowing the gub'ment to dictate that you can't have sex.  Or if you're allowed to have sex, you can't wear a condom.  The gub'ment cutting off Social Security checks for those other losers (you) is okay, but God-fearin' Americans (them) should get theirs, 'cause that's only right.  And this being a Christian nation an'all, Gub'ment should make you go to church every Sunday.  They'll go right after the race.  Maybe.

Yeah.  That's the freedom they want.  They want the freedom to tell you what to do and how to live, while they are free to do whatever the hell they want.  They want the same type of freedom enjoyed by despots and dictators the world over, throughout the history of civilization.

If this was satire, it would be mildly funny.  But these views are ripped from the headlines, and espoused by a Presidential frontrunner.  As such, I am terrified.