Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We Need To Get Off Oil

It is just that simple.  We need to get off oil.   It's a 19th century solution to 21st century energy problems.  Look, it's dirty.  It's unsafe. It's inefficient.  When things go wrong, innocent coastlines get hurt.  Right, Alaska, Louisiana, Texas, and, soon, Florida?  I live in Florida, and in Florida, we sell sunshine and good times.  If that oil washes up on our beaches, our economy will COLLAPSE.  Period.  Anyone who supports drilling off our coast is a bloody idiot.  And that list now includes you, President Obama.  We are the Sunshine state.  Let's develop solar, as well as wind, and nuclear.  Yes, nuclear.  Much better track record than petroleum, lately.  So, as I said, we need to get off oil!

Listen, Senator dumb-ass, and President clueless... grow a sac and force the United States, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century.  We are still on petroleum only because YOUR corrupt asses are clearly in the pockets of big oil.  If I burnt down a building, my black ass would be in jail faster than I can say Johnny Cochran.  These rich, white bastards are turning the entire Gulf of Mexico into a pool of sludge, while you're sitting here with your thumb up your ass, waiting for them to "try" and clean it up?!  Are you KIDDING ME, Obama??!!

And you goddamn tea-bagging redneck republican ass-wipes, with your "Drill Baby, Drill", where are you now?  Why aren't you out there helping?  And how in hell did you get Obama to support lifting the drilling moratorium?  What... you have pictures of him skull-f%^$#ing a golden retriever?  And, after all this, Obama, you won't back off that idiotic decision?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??!!

Get off oil.  We could do it.  All we lack is the political will.  And a set of balls.