Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

It's just a little past midnight on 1/1/10.  2010!  Who the hell would'a thunk it?!  When I was a little boy, I thought that by the year 2010, we'd be vacationing on Mars, and everybody would have flying cars.

Well, Earth is still the only place humans live, and flying cars are still not readily available.  But it's still a pretty cool world.  And at this special time of year, when the whole world stops its breakneck pace for just the slightest part of a moment to catch its collective breath, we can take a moment to wonder, "What's next?"  Back in 1993, AT&T made a few guesses, and they seemed to have either a very high-quality crystal ball, or a spy in the U.S. Patent office.  Either way, from their vantage point in 1993, they gave an eerily accurate description of the high-tech, interconnected world we live in today.  Take a look, and have a great New Year's Day.  Oh, and my resolution?  You're reading it!  Thanks!