Thursday, October 1, 2009

OK, I'm Back!

It's been a few days since I last posted.  I'm sorry that you missed me.  But I do have a good reason for my absence.  Actually, I have three good reasons.  One is a really good reason, one is sorta dumb, but still a valid reason, and one is pretty damned disturbing.

The Good Reason.  I haven't had the time, because I recently left the ranks of the unemployed!  Yaay!  A couple of weeks ago, something went well and they said those four magic words: "When can you start?"  So by the time I get home in the evening, cook dinner for my hottie wife, clean up the kitchen (that's right, ladies!!!), and get up to speed with what happened in the news during the day, it's time for bed... I have to get up early.  For work!  Yaay!

The 'Dumb' Reason:  The reason I cook dinner for my hottie wife every evening is that she works at home and uses the good computer.  The laptop I'm using right this minute is almost 7 years old, and is so slow that it's all I can do to keep from chucking it out the window.  Honestly, the way I use this thing is click on Firefox, play two games of FreeCell.  Click on the word 'Bookmarks', play two games of FreeCell.  Click on "The Griffin Perspective", play 2 games of FreeCell.  You get the idea.  By the time the thing is fully up & ready to work with, it's after midnight.  I gotta get up in the morning.  You know, work.  I'm planning on getting a new computer soon, but you know, unemployed.  Til now.  (Yaay!)

The Disturbing Reason:  I've been getting really, really angry.  Just because I haven't been posting doesn't mean that I haven't been paying attention.  I know that President Obama called Kanye West a 'Jackass' (He is a jackass), and the right went crazy.  President Carter said that the poison spewing from the right was racially motivated (I agree, to a point), and the right went crazy.  Senator Baucus, falsely identified as a Democrat, gave the insurance industry an early Christams present with the abomination he called a Health Care Reform Bill, and the right went crazy!  Weak-willed, candy-ass Democrats sided with Republicans and voted down the public option.  During Black History Month, students sang a song about the first black President, AND THE RIGHT WENT CRAZY!
The reason I haven't posted is not because I didn't want to.  It's more disturbing than that.  I really wanted to.  But every time I'd start writing, I'd get so mad that the words would come out all dark and poisonous.  I'd re-read what I'd written, and I could just see myself being questioned by DHS.
     "So, Mr. Griffin... where did you dig that shallow grave you mentioned repeatedly in your blog that you authored?  Are you working alone?"


So I took a little break.  And tomorrow night, I'll talk about something other than Health Care Reform.

If I can.
